
Instructions for authors

Contributed papers for the symposium will be accepted as oral or poster presentations. Participants who wish to present a paper are requested to submit an extended abstract in PDF format (4 A4 pages) for peer review. 

The call for extended abstracts can be downloaded at: Call-Extended-Abstracts

The template for extended abstract preparation can be downloaded here:

Extended abstract template - MS Word

Extended abstract template - Latex

All extended abstracts have to be submitted before June 30th July 15th, 2019.

The final version of the accepted extended abstracts or the full papers, following the choice of the authors,will be published on the electronic Workshop proceedings.

A selection of the best long papers (8 pages and more) will be proposed by the Scientific Committee for publication in a special issue of the open access journal Micromachines.

The template for extended abstract preparation can be downloaded here:

Full paper template - MS Word

The final version of the extended abstract or the full paper has to be submitted before August 25, 2019. 

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